Undergraduate Exhibition
The 2025 Undergraduate Exhibition
The Virtual Exhibition will be held April 14–16, 2025
The In-Person Poster Presentations will be held April 16, 2025
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., Alumni Hall, HUB-Robeson Center, University Park
An Evening of Creative Inquiry in Music will also be held April 16, 2025
7:30–9:00 p.m., Recital Hall, University Park
Registration of intent to present: The application to apply is available at symposium.foragerone.com and is due on March 17, 2025
Current undergraduates from all Penn State campuses and all majors are eligible to enter one of four formats for sharing research and creative inquiry:
Undergraduate Exhibition for Research, Inquiry, and Creative Activity
- Traditional research poster
- Oral research presentation – five-minute presentation for disciplines or projects for which traditional research posters are not traditionally used (e.g., an original piece of visual art)
- Performance – five-minute performance (e.g., music; writing or poetry reading; dance, theatre)
Engagement Experience Poster Exhibition
- Posters highlighting and reflecting on student engagement achievements (NOT a research poster)
How to Apply
Step 1: Register intent to participate
Students must submit draft materials to register their intent to participate in the Virtual Exhibition, the In-Person Poster Session or the Evening of Creative Inquiry in Music by the registration deadline. The application to apply is available at symposium.foragerone.com and is due on March 17, 2025
Step 2: Finalize materials
After submitting draft materials as part of the regististration of intent to participate, students will be able to continue to update materials. All registered participants will receive email instructions and relevant deadlines.
Materials Required for Participation
Abstract Title: (Example: Integrating Behavioral Insights into Public Health Interventions: A Data-Driven Approach to Reducing Health Disparities)
Primary and co-presenter information: You will be asked to enter first name, last name, Penn State email address for each recognized co-author.
Biographical Information
Abstract (Word count: 0/75): A short description of the research project. This can be edited up until the final deadline.
Poster or Presentation Type: Research Poster, Oral Presentation, Performance or Engagement Experience Poster
Discipline Area: If you are unsure of which subject to choose, please consult with your mentor to determine the best subject for your abstract.
Mentor: A mentor should be a professor who is familiar with your work. You will be asked to provide your mentor's name and email.
Intention to participate in the In-Person Exhibition: All Exhibition participants are required to upload a presentation for the virtual exhibition. NOTE: Anyone participating in the in-person exhibition must reserve their spot in advance.
- A PDF of Poster: You must upload a draft of the poster by the registration of intent to participate deadline but you will be able to make edits or upload new versions all the way up until the final deadline.
Guidelines for Posters and Presentations
Virtual Presentations
All Exhibition participants must submit a presentation for the virtual exhibition.
Poster presentations for research, inquiry, or creative activity must be recorded and submitted to Symposium. Applicants will receive an email with login information for Symposium.
Presentations require a PDF image of the poster and an accompanying video or audio narration of you describing your poster and project that is no more than 5 minutes in length.
- Posters should include all the elements of a traditional research poster in your field. The video or audio narration should be no more than 5 minutes in length and must be submitted to Symposium as a YouTube link (set as UNLISTED).
In-Person Posters and Presentations
Participants must indicate their intent to present at the in-person Exhibition in advance.
All in-person presenters must have their poster displayed at their assigned spot by the start of the Exhibition.
Posters must be 36"x 48".
Presenters are required to be present for the entirety of the in-person event. The judges may stop by your poster at any time during the session. Judges assigned to assess your poster and presentation are from all academic disciplines, and you should be prepared to give a 3 to 5-minute presentation on your project to each judge.
All posters must remain on display for the entirety of the Exhibition. Posters that remain displayed after the end of the event will be recycled.
Information on how to create an effective poster can for found on the Libraries website.
URFM will host events on how to create a poster. See the URFM event calendar for upcoming workshops
Undergraduates are encouraged to attend the Graduate Exhibition on Friday, March 28, to get a better understanding of academic exhibitions. Learn more about the virtual and in-person components of the Graduate Exhibition at gradschool.psu.edu.
Judge Registration
The judge registration form is now available.